GULF BANK Security Control Room, Kuwait
ELITE consoles for a Security Control Room of the GULF BANK in Kuwait
Design and supply of the 4 technical consoles for the new NOC of the GULF BANK of Kuwait. Using the ELITE series we added few customizations to adapt them to the available space and the client’s technical needs. Finally, a very elegant, comfortable room with all the ergonomics for the operators has been achieved.
The room has a linear console with 3 operator positions facing the video wall, equipped with rear slim cabinets to house computers and other equipment. Each operator has dual ergonomic arms for the screens. Behind the operators there is 1 supervisor position with an L-shaped console for the supervisor, equipped with ergonomic arms for 3 monitors, cabinet/foot that allows the installation of up to 2 computer towers and equipment in 19″ format.
Another successful project in Kuwait that reinforces the high presence of SPF in Kuwait and in the Middle East in general.